I had an amazing experience last week during one of my classes. It's so nice when someone new joins my classes, especially if they have never experienced yoga before and I've come to realise that yoga always leaves you with such an open heart afterwards, therefore, I always stress to everyone after class that when they go home afterwards to ensure loved ones, friends and family are very gentle towards them for a while. You become so open and vunerable and this is because yoga helps open your chakras, releases any blockages within the body. This is a good thing and should be embraced. So last week after class one of my fellow yogis approached me very concerned and asked me why during a quite challenging pose named THE WHEEL (this can be seen on my yoga page) they were brought to tears. This is what I call an emotional release. This particular pose completely opens the chest and heart area and helps release any blockages within the heart. For someone to experience this after it being their first ever yoga session is amazing and fills me with such warmth. I went on to explain that they should not feel alarmed, in fact embrace it and that no one will judge and it is completely normal. Everyone experiences different sensations during yoga, everyone is in their own zone. That person left my class with an open heart and that makes me so so happy!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Lucy xx
Your website and blogs have inspired me to buy the film Eat, Pray, Love on DVD and I have also signed up for a yoga class starting tomorrow! I wish your classes were nearer!