POWER YOGA ...... mind and body in harmony.....

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Yoga for Sciatica

Many people often suffer from sciatica, which is a painful condition affecting the lower back and behind the thigh, travelling down to behind the knee area. It is a result of irritation of the sciatic nerve which is the largest nerve within the body and begins from the nerve roots in the lumber spinal cord in the lower back. Through yoga we can help heal and ease the pain of sciatica, by strengthening the lower back muscles through specific poses and boosting circulation in that area. I would recommend the following poses to pratice daily.

LOCUST POSE - This pose will strengthen the lower back muscles and boost circulation in the lower back area, the spinal cord receives fresh blood and nutrients. Simply lie on your tummy, bring your legs together and arms out stretched in front of you. Inhale and lift the chest and legs off the floor so all the weight is on your abdominal.  Hold for 3-5 breaths then lower and repeat a further 4-5 times.

CHILDS POSE - Kneel on the floor with the knees wide apart, the wider the knees, the deeper the stretch. Bring the big toes together and sit the buttocks back on the heels. Keep the spine long and lengthened and outstretch the arms forwards, resting the hands and the forehead on the floor. Stay here for 10 breaths.
Not only will this pose help to ease sciatic pain  by stretching the lower back muscles but it also stretches out the lungs and opens tight shoulder joints.

BRIDGE POSE - Lie on the floor and bring the feet up close to the hips, hip distance apart and feet parallel. Lengthen the neck, keeping the gaze forward, never look left or right whilst in this pose to ensure the neck stays in line with the spine. Keep the heels and hands pressed down into the floor tucking the chin slightly in. Engage the core muscles then lift the pelvis off the floor, continue to lift the spine, vertabrae by vertabrae, off the floor. Engage the glutes keeping the knees in line with the ankles. Stay here for 5 breaths then lower the spine slowly and repeat
5 -10 times.

DOWN DOG - Come onto your hands and knees, place your knees hip distance apart, hands shoulder width apart spreading the fingers wide.  Lift your knees away from the floor, gently push back into the heels, lifting up through the hips and keeping the back flat, relaxing the head and shoulders. Stay for 10 breaths and repeat.

PIGEON POSE - This beautiful pose stretches and strengthens the lower back and also the entire vertebral column. It also helps regulate hormonal secretions paticually those of the thyroid. From Down Dog pose bring the left leg forward to place the foot behind the right hand. Slide the right leg back behind you as you lower your hips to the floor, your buttock and outer left thigh will be resting on the floor. For a deeper stretch draw your chest down towards the floor resting your forehead on the back of your hands. Hold and breath for 10 breaths.

Remember to continue these poses even when symptoms dissapear to ensure the spine and back stay strong and healthy. Many of these poses are demonstrated on my website.

TIP!  Just breathe! The breath is our most important part of yoga, if we can breathe we can do yoga! When we become stressed or angry or anxious it effects our breathing immediately. It becomes shallow and erratic and we hold on to the breath bringing more tension and stress to the body. Next time we feel ourselves becoming tense or stressed in all our day to day and life experiences, or when we re experiencing painful events try and remember to come back to your breath.  Take a deep breath and notice immediately how calm is restored to the body and mind. It is a fact our breath can help regulate pain which is why women who become pregnant are taught how to breathe to prepare them for child birth. The breath helps to calm our body and emotions.
So next time your in a stressful situation whether it be someone arguing with you or hearing bad news on the television, simply turn the television off, block out the person who is shouting at you.  Chances are the argument isn't really that important anyway and simply breathe!  
Think well, stay positive and pratice kindness daily.  
Love and hugs, Lucy x

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