POWER YOGA ...... mind and body in harmony.....

Friday, 18 March 2011


It has been proven that yoga can help you both mentally and physically. Sometimes we don't always feel our best and  become depressed and overwhelmed by life and when that happens exercise is the last thing on our minds. I cannot stress enough how important yoga is to help improve your mood, well-being and restoring your health. When we exercise we give off feel good chemicals, the brain releases positive chemicals called neurotransmitters and endorphins which make you feel happier.  When we are sad or depressed the immune system becomes low and has a major impact on your health, you become more at risk to diseases and colds etc. So here are a few of my tips to help you feel better and improve your mood and cope with everyday life stresses.  Stick with me and you will learn to stay fit, happy and healthy and love the body you have!

1 - THINK POSITIVE THOUGHTS - ( read my previous blog called THE SECRET) Positive thinking boosts your immune system, every time you think something bad, something negative, immediately replace it with something good, something positive.  For example, instead of thinking I'll never have the body I wish for, change it for I love my body and I respect my body and will nourish my body with healthy food and exercise.
When you are feeling bad did you know you can change it in a instant?  Do the following -

2 - MUSIC - Put on a beautiful piece of music or your favourate song.  Music can help uplift your mood and get you in the mood for exercise, sing and dance to the music, it really will change your emotions for the better.

3 - THOUGHTS - Think of something beautiful, think of a baby or someone you truely love and dwell on that, really keep that thought in your mind and block everything out but that thought.  I guarantee you will start to feel good instantly.

4 - MAKE A LIST - Make a list and keep it with you, listing all of the things in your life you are grateful for - having a healthy body and healthy family and friends.

5 - EAT WELL - Never deprive yourself of food.  Eat little and often, nourish your body with lots of nutritious foods.  These foods act like a medicine to your body and heal your body. Foods such as fresh fruit, vegetables, quiona, brown rice, salads and lentils. For snacks I love cereal bars which contain dried  fruit and nuts and for a treat I love dark chocolate and vegan chocolate ice cream.  Don't beat yourself up if you over indulge the odd day with not so good foods, it's not the end of the world, so long  as most of the time you try to eat healthily.

6 - LOVE YOURSELF - Be kind to yourself and your body.  Love yourself for who you are. Treat yourself this way and others will treat you the same.

7 - START SMALL - If going to the gym seems too overwhelming to start with then go for a power walk or do some gentle stretching at home first and build yourself up slowly. Come to my yoga class and afterwards you will never have felt so good!

8 - FRESH AIR - Try walking to work or the shops instead of taking the car, use the stairs instead of the lift, sit outside during your lunch break.  It is really important to spend time outdoors even if its only for a few minutes a day.  An active lifestyle will quickly get you back into regular workouts.

9 - BE SOCIAL - Call your friends and family for a chat, look at old photos, it has been proven to make people feel happier. 

10 - STICK WITH IT - Stick with your workout or yoga class, never feel disheartened if you get tired or out of breath or your legs hurt, you will become stronger and stronger with time and patience and before you know it you will have a strong, toned, healthy and balanced body.   Love and hugs
Lucy x x

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